
At Stringybark Ecological, all of our staff have tertiary qualifications and experience in science. We understand the rigour and accuracy required for research. We can assist with the development and implementation of research projects. We also understand the needs of other sectors such as mining and agriculture, so can help develop partnerships with research projects. We also have considerable experience in working with researchers to help communicate the findings of their research to the people who can use it.

Environmental Management

Bushland and Grassland Management
Threatened Species and Communities Management
Project Mapping


Seed Production Areas
Seed Collection and Sourcing

Education and Training

Introductory Training Courses (1-2 days)
Publications – field guides, management guides
Workshops, field days and presentations
Knowledge Brokering

Research and Monitoring

Biodiversity Monitoring
Expert Opinion
Post-fire monitoring
Participatory Monitoring
Plant Identification
Experimental Design for Revegetation