Research, Monitoring & Compliance

The Australian environment is complex, so we often have to look a little deeper to understand and manage it. We can offer environmental surveys including soil, flora and fauna for a range of purposes. We can help you to monitor the success of your revegetation or environmental projects, and offer scientific monitoring of ecosystems, populations and communities. Compliance with development conditions may require specialised reports or surveys for threatened species, communities, koalas and populations.

Biodiversity Monitoring

We use multiple monitoring methods to track the effects of management actions and determine when a modification could produce a better outcome. We also conduct post-fire monitoring to identify when actions such as weed control could assist with ecosystem recovery (more)

Environmental Assessment for Development

As Accredited Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) Assessors, we can produce Biodiversity Site Stewardship Assessment Reports (BSSARs) and Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports (BDARs). We also offer whole-farm biodiversity assessments, flora and fauna surveys and SEPP Koala Assessments (more)

Expert Opinion

Stringybark Ecological can provide expert opinion for legal issues regarding native vegetation or natural ecosystems (more)

Monitoring Weed and Pest Management

Weeds can be the difference between a successful or a failed revegetation project. We can help you manage your weed problems by identifying and prioritising weed species, advising on effective control methods and monitoring control measures (more)

Monitoring Environmental Programs

We have extensive experience monitoring the outcomes of programs of on-ground works, research, education and extension and planning (more)

Participatory Monitoring

Participatory monitoring not only delivers better projects; it also builds skills and knowledge among the participants (more)

Soil Survey

From a simple soil test to a full exploration of the soil profile, we can provide a soil sampling and testing program that meets your specific needs (more)

Review of Environmental Factors

Many local government projects require a Review of Environmental Factors before they can proceed (more)

Plant Identification

We can identify individual or multiple samples or we can visit your site and produce a comprehensive plant species list (more)

Monitoring Revegetation Success

We can design and implement a monitoring strategy for your revegetation program that can cover sampling and stratification; methods for monitoring direct seeding, regeneration or seedling planting; field monitoring and data storage; data analysis and statistics; evaluation and recommendations for adaptive management (more)

Experimental Design for Revegetation

Well-designed trials can either save significant costs or prevent significant failure in a revegetation program. They can also be used as demonstrations of different techniques and can be set up as long-term experimental and demonstration sites (more)