Roadside Environment Plans

Roadside Environment Plans are designed to help Local Governments to manage their roadside environments. They identify areas of conservation significance, assess threats to roadside environments, recommend best practice for maintenance and construction and prioritise roadsides for management and revegetation. Roadside Environment Plans (REPs) reduce the risk for Local Governments that they will unwittingly breach legislation such as the Commonwealth EPBC Act (1999) or the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995). REPs also highlight the natural asets of a region which can be used in education, conservation and tourism programs. Stringybark Ecological can produce REPs which include:

    • an assessment of roads;
    • a table of road features, threats and management;
    • a GIS layer;
    • guidelines for field staff;
    • roadside signage and a detailed Roadside Environment Plan. Each Roadside Plan includes a training workshop for staff, including field trips.

We have recently completed full Roadside Environment Plans for Moree Plains Shire Council and Gwydir Shire Council and plans for specific roads and road networks for Uralla Shire, Walcha and Guyra Shire Councils.