
Seed Supply Planning

Having enough seed of a diversity of plant species is critical to a successful revegetation program. Stringybark Ecological are the leaders in seed supply planning for large-scale revegetation projects. Large-scale revegetation projects usually require planning to get sufficient seed, particularly where direct seeding is a significant technique. We can help you develop a seed supply plan that can include:

  • quantities of seed required to meet revegetation targets;
  • planning collection calendars;
  • provenance delineation;
  • identifying collection locations;
  • prioritising difficult species;
  • capacity building requirements for seed collection, handling and storage; and
  • selecting species for seed production areas

Seed collection plans can also include:

    • detailed species information about flowering and seeding times, intra-specific variation;
    • collection methods;
    • storage behaviour;
    • germination and propagation; and
    • uses and values

These can be presented as a report or as a booklet or manual for community or seed collector use.

Seed Collection and Sourcing

Stringybark Ecological can help you get the seed you need for your revegetation project. We will either collect it ourselves, arrange for its collection through one of our partner organisations or source it from other seed suppliers throughout Australia. We have very high standards for seed collection and all of our seed is collected according to the Florabank Guidelines.

DSC_0006We provide full information about collection location, number of plants collected from, soil and vegetation at the collection site and storage conditions. We provide accurate plant identification to sub-specific level, so you can be sure that the seed you get is the correct species. We can also provide viability and germination testing if required.

We specialise in collection of uncommon species, particularly herbs, forbs and grasses. Our partners are able to supply large quantities of common species for use in nurseries or direct seeding. All of our seed collectors and partners are licenced to collect seed and have completed the Professional Seed Collectors course.

Seed Production Areas

Seed production areas are ‘farms’ designed to produce reliable crops of seed for use in revegetation and restoration. They are ideal where a species is required in large quantities and/or is not readily available in the wild. Some species are widely dispersed, have a very short seed collection window, are naturally rare or only seed sporadically depending on weather conditions. These species suit a seed production area, which is managed as a horticultural enterprise with cultivation, weed control, irrigation and fertiliser. Stringybark Ecological can design and implement a seed production area based on your requirements. We can ensure that the seed produced is of high quality, with sufficient genetic diversity.