Ecosystem management

Ecosystem management aims to enhance and preserve the long-term sustainability of natural resources such as agricultural and forest landscapes, wetlands and rivers.

Stringybark Ecological is available to advise and implement best-practice strategies for sound ecosystem management such as:

  • Bushland and grassland management
  • Threatened species and communities
  • Biodiversity Management Plans
  • Environmental weed control

Bushland and grassland management

Bushland, grassland and other communities have complex interactions between organisms, soils, rainfall, fire, climate and human activities. This balance can be threatened by weeds, inappropriate grazing, changed fire regimes, clearing, feral animals or other disturbances.

Stringybark Ecological can design and implement management of bushland areas at any scale to restore this balance. Bush regeneration, roadside weed control, design of sympathetic grazing regimes, management of large bushland areas and reserve management are some of the services we can offer.

Threatened species and communities

Threatened Species and Threatened Ecological Communities require special management. We have experience working with threatened species and communities. Our experience covers searches for new populations, population assessments, threat assessments, management plans and monitoring. We have also written publications and run workshops and training to help rural communities understand and manage threatened species.

Biodiversity Management Plans

Biodiversity can be managed at a range of scales from a paddock to a farm, from a patch to a landscape and at regional and continental scale. A good biodiversity management plan identifies the flora, fauna and ecosystems to be managed, assesses their condition and extent, assesses threats, sets goals and outcomes, recommends management actions, recommends monitoring methods and targets and provides links to resources for implementation.

Stringybark Ecological has extensive experience in developing biodiversity management plans at a range of scales in many different environments. These plans provide clear information and recommendations for land managers and can be supported by formal or informal training if required.

Environmental weed control

Weeds affect the natural environment by competing for resources such as water, nutrients, light and space. Many environmental weeds are also weeds of agriculture. We can assess weed extent and severity, assess whether weed outbreaks are manageable (triage) and develop weed management plans. In conjunction with our partners we can carry out environmental weed management on farms, in reserves, on roadsides and in urban areas. We have extensive experience working with a range of weeds including: willows, privet, blackberry, Coolatai grass and other invasive perennial grasses, broom, balloon vine, African boxthorn and Yellow Mimosa. We can also offer training in weed identification and management.