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Environmental Management

A healthy environment depends on good management, incorporating flora, fauna, soils, water and landscapes. It requires knowledge of legislation and regulation and threats to natural values. Stringybark Ecological can provide services to monitor the environment, assess threats, define rights and responsibilities and prepare and implement management actions.
Management can include weed control, fencing, grazing management, feral animal control, revegetation, assisted regeneration and fire management. We can advise on these management actions or carry them out for you.
Ecosystem Management
Ecosystem management aims to enhance and preserve the long-term sustainability of natural resources such as agricultural and forest landscapes, wetlands and rivers (more)
Whole Farm Environmental Management
Maximise the benefits that healthy ecosystems can bring to your farming such as shelter, microclimate modification, soil formation, carbon sequestration, pollination, and oxygen through Whole Farm Environmental Management (more)
Roadside Environment Plans
Roadside Environment Plans are designed to help Local Governments manage roadside environments including identifying areas of significance, risks and opportunities (more)
Project Mapping
Our Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can analyse spatial information to help your project planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting (more)
Review of Environmental Factors
A Review of Environmental Factors (REF) is an environmental assessment often required by local governments to determine the approval outcomes for a project (more)
Natural Area Management Plans
Natural Area Management Plans provide guidance for the restoration, protection and enhancement of natural areas, making the steps of managing a natural area easier (more)