Have a look at our latest project – searching for koala poo!

DSC_0017_2_2Our latest project is to search for koalas on the Northern Tablelands of NSW – well, actually we are looking for their poo! Koalas can be hard to spot, so we will be searching likely spots for their poo under trees. If we find their poo, it means that koalas are nearby. Its all part of a project to find out more about koala populations on the Northern Tablelands and plan for more effective management to ensure their survival.

That's what we are looking for!
That’s what we are looking for!

You can help us!

We will be running workshops in Armidale, Walcha and Nowendoc to show people how to search for koala poo and where to record sightings if you find some (or an actual koala). We are also available to visit your property to carry out koala surveys and vegetation surveys. You can accompany our research team and discover the joys of hunting for koala poo.

To find out more and get involved, have a look at our Cool Country Koala Project page.


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